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Humans are not responding in their daily life; they are acting out their choices. The best example of this is a fake bomb or animal prank videos. Such a typical video consists of a person throwing fake bombs or snakes like dangerous animals on a stranger. Who then react in scared fashion, making us laugh . Have you ever wondered why people got scared? It was clearly a fake bomb or snake. However, when their brain saw it resembles a snake, it automatically responded in a scared manner. The person didnt choose to react that way, it was a pre-mediated response. This is what we mean by humans just react to things without actually choosing their response. This might not seem like an issue, but it is taking away our freedom to act or live the way we want and not be like a robot who acts on pre-written codes.

The good thing about this is you can train your mind to be aware of these responses. Then change your response by being more spontaneous.

Here is a guide to do so 👉👉👉

1. Make An Image Of How You Want To Be :

All of us have a mental image of ourself,the person we dream of becoming. This image could consist of anything from going to the gym, excelling in a career, or being a ladys man, or a fashion icon.

Some other subtle desires could be patient, controlling anger, hard-working, etc. The first step is to make this image of yourself. Then think about how they should react in a certain situation.

For example, a relative has visited your house with her kid. The kid is annoying you. Before you react, just think how your mental image would react. Then react according to it.

2. Think About The Reason & Origin Of The Reaction:

There is a reason behind our each and every reaction, whether it is good or bad. Many may argue that they have mood swings that aren't controllable.

For those, there is a trigger point for each mood swings. You won't be able to found about it unless you find the reason.

Once you start thinking why do you did certain things, you would notice the origin of those actions. Then you cann find the origin and can avoid committing those mistakes again.

3. Point Out The Outcome Of Your Action:

Life is often said to be the best teacher in one's life. The only reason for this is that it makes you experience in your decision up close.

It is not a movie or novel that disconnects from you after a while. It is your own life that you care about and it's teaching sticks with you.

Similarly, if your are making yourself aware of your action consequences, you are much likely to act upon them and change them.

For example, you are depressed and don't come out of the room. One day you incidentally come out and see your pet is depressed as well. This moment will help you and motivate you a little bit to change for your pet.

4. Imagine Your Actions As The Other Person:

If none of the aforesaid tricks motivate you to change your action. Just imagine how would you feel if someone else did similar things to you.

For example, you are possessive about your partner. You call then 3-4 times daily, stalk them on social media to find out if they are cheating on you.

From your perspective, it might look justified, but what about your partner? How would you feel if they did the same to you? You wouldn't like it as well.

Hence, if you don't like it , then why do it in the first place. Just straight up ask them or their friends. That's better than stalking.

Conclusion :

As mentioned earlier, human are a slave to their habits and thoughts. It takes time and effort to change some of it.

So don't be harsh on yourself when change don't workout for you. Try a new method and change the way to approach to the situation.

Do anything whick keep you trying. Because a person who keeps trying never fails.

Lastly, you have to pay for your freedom in life. It is not as easy as you might think.


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