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How to read more books ?

Hi , I absolutely love reading. It's one of my favorite hobbies, but it's not always easy or that convenient to get tons of reading done....

Stoicism & it's Principles

Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions; the philosophy holds that...

The Power Of Saying "NO"

In a universe of stacked plans, insatiable appetites for Insta-material, and ruled ends of the week, saying yes is practically ingrained...

Do less, achieve more.

A big part of growth is about setting goals. But it’s not just about setting goals, it's about knowing the minimum actions you need to...

You are what you think

What you spend your attention on determines what you think. See, for example, the difference in media sources people consume, depending...

How To Reinvent Yourself ?

When you feel you are getting lost in something you are no more interested, take a rebirth. It is not about starting everything from the...


1. Ease pain The most common reason why we all love to listen to music while in pain is that it helps ease the pain by releasing hormones...


Throughout a day, we make a lot of choices, and each of these decision feels like a well-throughout decision. However, in reality, they...

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