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Updated: Jul 8, 2020

1. Ease pain

The most common reason why we all love to listen to music while in pain is that it helps ease the pain by releasing hormones that help reduce pain. This is why many spas use music as therapy to ease the pain. It also helps reduce the perceived intensity of pain, especially in case of geriatric care, intensive care, or palliative medicine.

2. Better Dose of Dopamine

When you listen to music, you have a better dose of dopamine as listening to music helps the brain to release dopamine that is also released when you eat chocolate, use cocaine or have sex. Dopamine is also associated with being in love. According to the experts, knowing the best part of a song coming to your way can get the dopamine flowing.

3. Improved Strength and Energy

Thats right, you feel the power, energy and strength when you listen to music. This is why we all love to music while in the gym or doing workout outdoors. According to the studies, people who workout while listening to your favourite song takes off more explosively and helps perform reps at greater speeds than those doing it in silence. Also, the people who do sprints with headphones plugged on their ears are able to perform better.

4. Better Sleep Quality

Whatever type of mysic your love , you are going to get a better sleep with sound on. Also, listening to music, especially relaxation music, before bed has better results when you need to sleep faster. National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has foubd that seniors who listen to music before going bed had 35 percent better sleep.

5. Increases Happiness

Music helps release im dopamine. If you are in a need of emotional boost, then a dose of 15 minute music will help you to get a natural high. Dopamin is a neurotransmitter that leads to increased feelings of joy, happiness and enjoyment. This also helps to complete tasks while you are working.

6. You Become More Creative

People listening to their favorite music tracks are likely to act more creatively because music helps improve your brain feel relaxed for the creative juices to flow. According to a study in Netherlands and Australia , listening to music at a moderate volume gives you chill and makes you more creative. The more relaxed you are , the better your brain will perform.

7. Improves Heart Rate

A good song with relaxed music may be helpful in improving you heart rate and can deal with stress and anxiety easily. It helps you change your brain chemistry, which results in cardiovascular benefits. Additionally, music can also return your heart rate to baseline level aftee physical exertion.

Listen to my relaxation music video on YouTube-


Regardless to taste of music and your mental level, music is something that's always there to help you deal with mental as well as physical conditions. Wish you a-

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